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Essential Tips for New Whole Food Plant Based Eaters
Are you new to whole food, plant based eating? Not sure where to start? Feeling a little overwhelmed? I've been there & I've got you!

How To Make Thick Smoothie Bowls
Do you want to make thick & filling smoothie bowls? This one is for you!

Lancaster Veg Fest Cooking Demo
Join me as I show the festival how to eat more plants with whole food plant based Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert ideas!

7 Ways To Poop Easier
Constipation is SO common that a lot of people don't even realize that they are constipated.

How To Get Enough Iron From Plants
Learn how iron works in your body, whole food plant based sources of iron, foods that boost iron, and foods that block iron.

10 Wholistic Oral Care Practices
Here are 10 Wholistic Oral Health practices I've learned and implemented

The Truth About Soy (Read with WFPB Me)
Not sure what you've heard about soy, but there are some pretty contradicting 'arguments' out there. Most of which, aren't backed by science

The Truth About Dairy
So is dairy healthy or harmful? Should we avoid dairy or embrace it?

How To Order Out Without Stressing the Menu: Plant Based Edition
With these few tips, you'll be able to order a plant based meal from basically any menu without anxiously anticipating it.

5 Plant Based Documentaries That You Should Watch ASAP
Whole food plant based eating can become easier once you have fully educated yourself about your food choices. This list of documentaries is

3 Easy ways to Save Money in your Kitchen!
How to save money through repurposing items in your kitchen

What is WFPB?
What does WFPB even mean? To answer in the most simple terms, it stands for Whole Food Plant Based. What does Whole Food Plant Based mean?

10 Eco-Friendly Swaps For Your Home
Happy Earth Day! I have been environmentally conscious my entire life. I have been conserving water and on the reduce, reuse, recycle...

Lets talk about Breast Cancer
This quick video will teach you some very important things about Breast Cancer and what you can do right now to prevent, improve, and revers

WTF? Where's the Fiber?!
What about fiber? How much fiber do we need? Where can I get fiber? What foods have fiber? Is fiber even important? What can fiber do for...

10 Easy WFPB Breakfast Ideas
When I first started eating this way, one of my first concerns was breakfast. What does a Whole Food Plant Based breakfast look like? How...

How to start journaling
So you want to start journaling but where do you start? Where do you write it? What do you write about? Need some journal prompts? I got you

7 ways to make creamy soup without dairy products
How do you make creamy soup without using cream, cheese or any other dairy products?

Mindful Living in a nutshell
So what is mindful living? How do you "mindfully live"? Here's how I see it, how it has helped me, and how you can help yourself

Why eat Whole Grains?
Why is it good to eat whole grains? Why is it better to eat whole grain flour rather than white flour?
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